From Invisible to Visible: A Look at Transparency in Government Innovation
One of the challenges to innovation in government is a lack of insight into what citizens have to offer in the way of innovative strategies. Governments are aware of the increasing need to capture perspectives and insights of citizens to spark the innovation process. The use of innovation management platforms helps leaders to better understand the needs of the people they serve through proper management of their input.
According to recent global trends, the need for and potential of innovation is greater than ever before. Digital transformation is affecting both government entities and the private sector, leading to both new challenges and new opportunities. Regarding these developments, the report entitled “Embracing Innovation in Government: Global Trends 2019” notes:
“Governments are clearly adapting, but progress is often ad hoc rather than reliable, reactive rather than deliberate, and sporadic rather than systemic. Despite a generally forward trend, the public sector has not yet taken the next step: a commitment to ensure that innovation is a consistent and reliable resource that can be used to give governments the options they need and choices that can deliver better outcomes and greater impacts.”
Adopt the Right Technologies
Adopting the right technologies is important for government leaders to ensure successful strategies. It’s equally important to put processes in place that will get the most out of those chosen technologies.
All government departments and local councils rely on digital products and services to perform crucial, and sometimes life-saving tasks. The digital economy is changing so quickly that it can be difficult to implement the best available technology in a timely manner. This is one of many reasons strategy matters.
The most effective governments will embrace innovation and find new ways of getting the job done. Strategic planning should be built around the implementation of technologies and designed with the needs of citizens in mind.
Governments all over the world are recognizing the value of embracing innovation through cutting-edge technology when delivering public services. The use of an innovation management platform will help streamline this process while allowing for an even greater exchange of ideas.
Develop Ongoing Initiatives
According to a recent report, innovative government initiatives aren’t reaching the desired targets in some areas. For example, in some central government departments, technology spend with small to medium-sized enterprises (SME)s is around 8 percent, falling short of the 33 percent target.
Ongoing initiatives will help government agencies remain focused while serving citizens in a highly targeted way. Using an innovation management platform allows governments to share ideas across all platforms to ensure a higher level of collaboration takes place.
Recognize the Challenges
Government organizations face numerous challenges when implementing innovation strategies. These challenges aren’t necessarily present in the private sector, making them somewhat difficult to address.
Procurement is one challenge of government innovation. How goods and services are purchased differs drastically between government agencies and private companies. This makes innovation difficult on both sides due to lag times in the decision-making and procedural processes. Creating an innovation zone could bridge this gap by providing a dedicated place where ideas could come together.
Outreach is another challenge faced in government. When providing resources, government agencies often use websites and portals to reach the private sector, but there may be crucial channels that are being ignored. One solution is to provide outreach to channels where the target audience resides. For those in the private sector, these can include channels where companies advertise.
Government agencies can become more transparent by looking beyond tradition to find viable solutions. Implementing an innovation platform will foster communication through multiple channels and encourage a forward-thinking mentality for finding tools that will have the most positive impact.
Want to learn more about our innovation management platform? Request a demo to see it in action today.
This article was originally published on the IdeaScale blog here.