Have you ever struggled to gain adoption of your innovation efforts? Have you had the organizational anti-bodies torpedo your good work? Do you struggle to gain alignment around your innovation programs? You are not alone. These are the greatest challenges that innovators face in nearly all large organizations.
The solutions seem elusive and it isn’t about better ideas, bigger budgets, or more people.
The answer is found in creating a culture that all at once, galvanizes, aligns and supports your efforts; that give you the voice, authority and influence to be noticed, attain powerful alignment and the ability to have smarter conversations.
Gapingvoid’s Culture Science™ methodology developed over the last dozen years measures, designs and executes organizational culture at scale, with a special focus on innovation. Our approaches combine behavioral, management and neuro- sciences, to deliver change in a unique and effective way, harnessing social human behavior to embed and sustain culture.
Ideation and execution of innovation are based upon well-defined and understood processes. However, before any innovation effort can be successfully executed, there must be organizational alignment. In this webinar, we will discuss the often ignored human part of the process. How to drive adoption to IdeaScale, and how to align the organization around innovation.
In order for innovation to thrive, you must establish a culture that will support the efforts. It must imbue the beliefs and mindsets that will support the effort, contend with risk and disruption. Cultures must be designed, and when properly done, the innovation culture can be used as a management system to drive more focused efforts and support.
All of this tracks to the truth that innovation leaders are in a battle for influence, and they need the language, tools and methodology to gain voice and stature within their or organization. They
Gapingvoid helps businesses of all sizes design, build, and update their cultures. We design cultures that aren’t simply tools for employee engagement but implement culture as a management system. The missing tool that will make innovation flourish.
This webinar will cover strategic thinking and tactics that can be used to drive IdeaScale integration and give you what you need to transform your innovation programs.
Some of our most progressive thinking with regard to Culture as a Management System, has been published in MIT Sloan Review, and well as Psychology Today.
This article was originally published on the IdeaScale blog here.