Learn How to Improve Personal Creativity and Spark Innovation with This Webinar
Are you looking for ways to spark personal creativity within your organization? Want to impact innovation on your team and beyond? According to one PwC Innovation study, 61 percent of CEOs worldwide cite innovation as either a priority or main focus in business.
Research shows most people aren’t as creative as they were once upon a time. Modern technology provides a vast array of tools for coming up with and implementing ideas, but they aren’t always used to their full potential.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to rebuild creativity and innovation. If you’re looking for ways to be more creative, join the Idea Guy for a webinar on March 4th, and learn how to impact innovation through creativity.
What You’ll Learn
This webinar is based on a popular TEDx presentation on changing the world through creativity, one bad drawing at a time. Find out how to bolster personal creativity using a combination of innovative methods and tools.
For example, did you know bad drawings can improve communication? What about using play to stimulate innovation? You’ll learn all this and more from the Idea Guy, a leader in innovative thinking and problem-solving.
Sometimes sparking creativity and innovation is as simple as using a new set of tools. Learn how to build creative confidence so you can contribute new ideas that will lead to better products and services.
Other topics will include:
- Exercises to help rebuild creative muscle
- How a creative profile helps benchmark creativity
- How individual creativity impacts innovation within organizations
This webinar is ideal for managers, teams, and organizational leaders looking to increase creativity and spark innovation in the workplace. Learn from a worldwide leader in impacting creativity and innovation on a global level.
The Idea Guy and IdeaScale
The Idea Guy helps people and organizations create innovative ideas by providing training, workshops and other events designed to build systemic creativity. Services include a partnership with IdeaScale to train users on getting the most out of innovation with a management platform that promotes idea-sharing. The result is improved collaboration across teams, leaders, and entire organizations using a variety of integrated services.
Register Today
If you’re looking for a way to improve creativity, remember consistency is the key. Creative problem-solving sessions with groups who are minimally trained generate 350 percent as many ideas as those without training. This number shows what happens when organizations adopt the right creativity principles and provide employees with the tools needed to succeed.
The upcoming webinar will address tasks that help users overcome obstacles and restore personal creativity and innovation among groups. Join The Idea Guy March 4, 2020, at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) and win back your creative confidence to change the way you innovate. Register today for this innovative webinar.
Want to learn even more about implementing creativity and innovation within your organization? Join our newsletter today!
This article was originally published on the IdeaScale blog here.